Everyone’s dying to know? Send me your opinion on a book or audiobook that you have recently checked out, and I’ll post it for others to enjoy. A good recommendation is always welcome. 😉
Everyone’s dying to know? Send me your opinion on a book or audiobook that you have recently checked out, and I’ll post it for others to enjoy. A good recommendation is always welcome. 😉
We now have ebooks! Visit this website and log-in using your library card number:
Don’t worry, if what you’re looking for is not available, you can place a hold on it for future check-out.
Friend’s of Ricker Memorial Library is a small group of local volunteers who work hard to come up with ideas and exciting programs for the library. The Friend’s are in desperate need of volunteers to continue to support and provide programming for the community. If you have some time and would like to help out please send an email to http://www.rickerfriends.org.
March 6, 2012
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